Thursday, September 24, 2009

Episode poetry - Part 1

Wake up

is the story of a trip in the mind done a morning when out light is smooth and thoughts are not yet clear.In that few minutes we can think to the lost and the newcomers of our life.Making wishesTaking prays Those few minutes are dedicated to ourselves and gifted to the one we care



è la storia di un viaggio nella mente fatto una mattina, quando la luce è leggera e i pensieri non sono ancora chiari. In pochi minuti, possiamo pensare a coloro che abbiamo perso e a quelli che sono arrivati nella nostra vita. Facendo desideriTenendo nel cuore preghiereQuei pochi minuti sono dedicati a noi stessi e regalati a quelli che amiamo



É a história de uma viagem na mente feito uma manhã, quando a luz é suave e os pensamentos ainda não estão claras. Em poucos minutos podemos pensar para os perdidos e os recém-chegados na nossa vida. Fazendo desejos

Thursday, September 3, 2009

- Il viaggio - Parte 1 ( italiano)

Tutto iniziò nel momento in cui una signora passò tra la folla del metrò e loro due si alzarono in contemporanea, gli sguardi si incrociarono quasi a sfiorarsi nella calura della Linea 3.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

from today is available on line
What is it ? The aim of the blog is to have 100 user from all over the country to start a " literature, poetry, photography community blog" what is the new from all the others communities present on line?
The worlwidestoryproject propose you to :
Start a story and edit it online giving the possibility to other user to continue, in this way the story is never ending :-)
Start a theme of pictures and see how the other user decline it :-)
Start a poem and give to the other users the possibility to change it :-)
Of course this is just the beginning ... Theblog is on air from today what is needed is :
Join the blog as user to have the possibility to post ( see section sign in)
Give to any story a title - with the numeration 1.2.3 so that any follower of the story can go on.
Languages allowed: everyone ( take care cause someone could ask translation!)

P.s the content will be valued in any case by site administrator